Hazelnuts in shell

Natural hazelnuts in shell are tasty, unprocessed, 100% natural round hazelnuts. Nutritious and crunchy, they are ideal for those who like to make healthy snacks in preference to nuts or to enrich pastry recipes.

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Natural in-shell hazelnuts are very crunchy and have a fresh flavor with an intense aroma that will immediately win you over.
They are a wholesome and excellent product that you can use either in the preparation of cakes, pastries and other desserts, or as a healthy snack or break. An alternative idea is to include these natural hazelnuts in your morning smoothies to start your day with even more flavor and energy.
Natural hazelnuts cannot be missed in a healthy and balanced diet and in the diet of sportsmen, vegans and vegetarians, being an excellent source of protein and mineral elements such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium. They are rich in vitamin E, vitamin B1, B6, B9 and also contain important antioxidant enzymes useful for the prevention of certain types of cancer.
Our natural in-shell hazelnuts, like all D.A.R. S.R.L. products, bring the full, authentic and fresh flavor of freshly picked nuts to the table.

Storage methods

Natural in-shell hazelnuts should be stored out of direct sunlight and in an airy, cool place. This will keep them fresh and crisp for longer.

Nutritional values

Nutritional values for 100g of edible product

Nutrients Unit
Energy value 655kcal/2740kj
Fats 64.1
– of which saturated 4.2
Carbohydrates 6.1
– of which sugars 4.1
Fibers 8.1
Protein 13.8
Salt 27mg

Packaging available

Packaging available:

  • Pillow by 500G to 1KG
  • Bags by 25KG

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